Til baka

Charlottenlund, Danmörk

Sittingroom - balcony

Sittingroom - balcony







The property

The property

The property

The property

Sittingroom in the cottage

Sittingroom in the cottage

Sittingroom in the cottage

Sittingroom in the cottage

Sittingroom in the cottage

Sittingroom in the cottage

Kitchen in the cottage

Kitchen in the cottage

Kitchen in the cottage

Kitchen in the cottage

Bathroom in the cottage

Bathroom in the cottage

The terrace in the cottage

The terrace in the cottage

The cottage

The cottage

The terrace in the cottage

The terrace in the cottage


Meðlimur síðan


Svarar venjulega tilboðum um heimilaskipti innan 72 tímafast replier
Opin fyrir heimilaskipti

Þessi meðlimur er ekki með neinar tilgreindar ferðadagsetningar


An aparment in the Copenhagen area and a cottage at the seaside, Denmark

We have a nice small apartment (54 m2) in the suburbs of Copenhagen. By surburban electric train there is only 15 mintutes to the Copenhagen city center. We live in an exclusive and quiet area with fine shops and restaurants. The apartment has a small kitchen and bathroom, a small balcony, a sittingroom, one bedroom, and is suitable for two persons, - it is close to public transportation (buses and surburban trains). Furthermore we have 2 citybikes.

At the seaside we have a nice house in a preserved area, where it is possible to fish, swim, hike and bike and canoe. Only one hour drive from Copenhagen. The house has 2 bedrooms: one room with 2 bunk beds and a bedroom with a double bed - a small kitchen and bathroom. From the terrace you are overlooking the sea. It is possible to go by train to the cottage and get around by 2 bikes which is at your disposal.

The adress for the house at the seaside is:
Bredetved Strand 16, 4300 Holbæk, Denmark

Þýða þetta
Lestu meira


  • 2 Fullorðnir
  • 0 Börn
  • 17 Fyrri heimilaskipti


  • Lawyer
  • Nurse

Heimilið okkar

  • Gerð húsnæðis: Blokkaríbúð
  • Hæðir: 1. floor
  • Staðsetning heimilis: Í borginni
  • Svefnherbergi: 1
  • Baðherbergi: 1
  • Fjöldi rúma: 2


Í húsinu okkar

  • Gæludýr - Ekki leyft
  • Lítil börn - Ekki leyft

Tegund skipta

  • Skipti á heimilum


  • Ókeypis nettenging
  • Afnot af tölvu
  • Þvottavél
  • Uppþvottavél
  • Sjónvarp


  • Svalir
  • Reiðhjól: 2


  • Reykingar bannaðar
  • Ró og friður/aðskilið frá öðrum
  • Afnot af bát

Óskir okkar um áfangastaði

  • Opinn fyrir tilboðum

Tungumál sem töluð eru

  • Enska
  • Spænska
  • Þýska

Næsta nágrenni okkar


  • Lawyer
  • Nurse


  • Við erum ekki með börn


  • Engin gæludýr skráð


Þessi félagsmaður á 17 farsæl heimilaskipti að baki. Hér eru nokkrir meðlimir sem hann hefur skipt við á liðnum árum: